Базовый курс по Drupal для новичка (2009)

Базовый курс по Drupal для новичка (2009)

The Lullabot Learning Series continues with a hands-on look at Drupal"s theming system. In this 2 hour and 44 minute long in-depth video guide, Nate Haug, Jeff Robbins, and James Walker explain the steps for translating a web design into a Drupal theme. The video explains Drupal"s design vernacular, concepts, and special needs. The team shows how to associate the proper CSS & javascript files, add all of the necessary regions, and control the HTML output through page and node-specific templates. You"ll learn about the best tools and strategies for controling the look and feel of your Drupal website. This video covers the basics of Drupal theming. Drupal"s more complex theming topics are covered in the Advanced Theming video (to be released soon) which pairs with this video and finishes the complete implementation of the 960 Robots theme used in both videos.
* Introduction
* Overview of Drupal theming
* Setting up environment & switching themes
* Design-to-theme translation strategies
* Theming tools:Firebug & Web Developer
* Overview of.info files
* Creating a theme & applying CSS
* Overview of template files
* Creating the page template
* Filling out the site & adding regions
* Working with node templates
* Using the Theme Developer tool
* Adding javascript to a theme
* Exploring page template variables
* Adding a screenshot to your theme
* Conclusion
Год выпуска: 2009
Язык: английский
Продолжительность: 2 часов 44 мин
Размер: 1300 МБ
Видео кодек: QuickTime
Размер: 960 x 540 px
Видео кодек: DirectVobSub
Аудио: ffdshow Audio Decoder
Базовый курс по Drupal для новичка (2009)

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